Wednesday, 3 October 2012

My love of twitter

I absolutely love twitter right now! I cannot get enough!

Do you use twitter? or do you prefer facebook?

 I have been using twitter from the very beginning and have loved every minute I have spent online and believe me that's a lot of total hours spent on twitter. A lot of my freinds don't like twitter they all use and prefer facebook.

 I like the idea that you can meet total strangers on twitter and nobody minds and that's kind of what its about. Where facebook you have to know someone personally or people don't accept your request, I like the way celebs all use twitter and you really can follow your favorite celebs online.

 I have had quite a few famous people tweet me back for instance Jamie East said thanks for talking about Big Brother and Leighton Denny has Favorited my tweets many times. Thanks for reading


  1. I think Twitter has a lot more going for it than FB. I find that FB is useful for friends and connections through different groups, but Twitter is a lot more personal, open, and fluid. Thanks for your post.

  2. Thanks very much for your comment! I totally agree with you, twitter is awesome! :)


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